Math of a big picture

This was originally a draft but i've decided to finally put it up.
Just yesterday, i was helping my lil sis out with a maths question. She is now doing circles and angles, where it involves knowing the basic angles when lines are drawn in a circle. Anyhow to not get mathematical cause i wouldn't know how to explain it without a diagram let alone in simple english. I said to her i won't help you for this question because it is easy, and the diagram is staring back at you in the face,it is very clear what the answer for the angle is if you know how to look at the diagram in the right way.

Sometimes i wonder whether that's how we look at life. We can know the basics, but in the end is our life like that diagram which we just can't seem to understand? Or despite knowing the basics we just can't be bothered to engage in further thoughts about them and how to put them into practise? Like how my sister knew the basics that was taught to her, but her mind either refuses to think or just can't comprehend the beauty of how the final answer is related with everything she has already learnt.

The simple stuff are easy to decipher because in the math examples they are all spread out and neatly written to just focus on the particular formula or question.
Take for example algebra. Usually what we look for is the "x" in a question given.
1. 4x = 8
x = 2

2. 4x + 6 = 26
4x = 20
x = 5

3. x² = 4
x = √4
x = 2

Very simple and straight forward. But now if you were to include other ways or even combine all the questions up above, then the answer becomes harder to find. Consider now a math question like so.

(x² + √36)(4x - 29)x = 158
x = ?

I'm not going to do the calculation for the last question. But ultimately in the end you will get on definate answer. In maths anyway you always get one absolute answer. Because all the methods or deductions point to only one answer.

But when placed with other questions on angles she just couldn't make conclusion of how to get the answer. Is that how we are sometimes as well? Are we so surrounded by too much influences from the media that we can't seem to focus anymore or even know how to differentiate from that which is real or fake or true and untrue?

Now say if we were to replace the "x" with the word truth. Then we can look at it in the same way. There is only one truth and only one way isn't it. The other numbers and symbols next to the "x" can be considered as external input that just makes the "x" more difficult to understand, comprehand and also to finally conclude.
If truth was anything like maths, there would be one answer. Naturally in a Christian view, we can say that truth is God. He is our big picture that we have to come to see.

So now i would like to believe that everyone else out there, is pretty much like the person doing the math question. Everyone is trying to figure out what is truth and what is it they are missing in life. Along the way they have other input to help them finally come to a conclusion of their own. But in the end is that conclusion of "x", the real answer? It could just be part of the steps to getting to "x" but some would think they already have all the answers to life in their hands. Pretty much like the post-modernistic time we are living in now, where science is believed to answer all that questions. It should also be noted that the supernatural can't be answered by science alone.

Our biggest picture and biggest truth, lies in the hands of our Father in heaven. Need i say more?


hmm.. that thought did actually come in to mind. but i decided to disregard that one. Possibly math wasn't the best example to use, or maybe i didn't explain it well. But ultimately in the end my point just means that our life will finally come to one meaning. It is all purpose related to one thing...G!

7:02 PM  

Amen girl! I was just running back and forth on this topic of self formation - thanks to media studies. and when i did devotion that night, God cleared it all up for me, that in finding ourselves we have to look to God coz He is the one who createed us. He is the only truth there is.

People wander through life asking "what's truth?" and especially in such a mediated world that we live in, the 'truth' has been fogged and is distorted. So, at times like these when we are confused, we have to come back to the God of truth to find the truth.

1:00 AM  

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