Just a quick thought

It's been a while since i updated.. yes i am aware...

It has come to a point where i can finally take a rest...meaning....


Call me a killhoy, but i have just finished one of the longest holidays ever..minusing the 6 month break after A levels. This is the second longest. So i would just like to say i am going to enjoy going back to studying.

Even more so because, i know people who are soon to be graduating from their university days. It is going to be a new journey for my fellow friends and new experiences to walk along the way.

The stage of studying in a class is over for them. No more rushing for classes in the morning, trying to figure out their class regime, no more trying to rush for assignment deadlines, no more cramming at night or burning the midnight oil,... no more socializing with friends you hav emade close bonds with. It is going to be a joyful and sad time all at once.

So i am still in univeristy life..the second year to be exact.. starting in another 3 days and 15 hours more or less. Because of the friends i know who are finishing and leaving their uni life. I have come to yearn more for my studying lifehood. The seniors will be steppign out into a new sphere now. The working atmosphere. Some would have some experiences, others would not. But more so they will face new stresses in life. Its jsut another phase to go through.

My graduating day will come soon.. well not anytime soon, but they will come in the coming future. No more will i be a student. and finally the minute i start working, i can come out of the shell i call home sweet home. I would then see whether i can prove myself, my family and friends, wrong by being able to survive on my own. More so myself. Let Gods will on my life be done.

Until then... i'm going to enjoy what i ahve left of my studying days. And the people who surround me everyday.

Ok fine so my quick thought turned out to be a long one...Sue me. ^_~

As shown below, i have just written a poem of sort about a gift which i had received on the special and over commercialised day called Valentine's Day. But it's stil a special special day for me.

In anycase, as much as i found the outing to be simple yet memorable, and even more unforgettable to be the gift. I remind myself every once in a while now since i received it, that it's not so much the gift itself, the materialisticness, that is important but more so the one has given it to you. The gift is without a doubt the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and i'm very honoured to receive it.

I probably write this is because the thing about gifts these days is that at least someone out there in the world has the exact same one that you do. For some that can be a real dissappointment as 'gifts' then tend to loose their specialness. True in some sense. Like the real Evenstar in the LOTR, there was only one Evenstar through out the land and that made that item very precious and unique. It symbolized Arwen's beauty, and love for the mortal man Aragorn. But after going through many sites online, one where you can purchase evenstar online, it's like well not as unique as the real one.

But i don't want to place all the importance on to object gift cause i fear that i will turn the evenstar into the likeness of the ring in LOTR. Doubtly maybe but it is possible for me to keep on going "my precciiouuuss" of my evenstar.

The point i want to make is that the important part was being GIVEN it. The act of giving and receiving. That was the special part. For that is where it can't be taken away, unlike the object which can be taken away. There's nothing bigger than to give something away which means so mch to you. To receive it then turns into a blessing for the other party.

Sigh.... after a while of doing nothing but looking at the prospects, chemical constituents and botanical physiology of plant, i know remember why i didn't like chemistry. And why i had decided to drop it years ago.

What's to know about a veggie. I'm sorry but in the end the most i can conclude is that they are as usual good for health because God made them edible for us. The details of why they are good for health..... i don't really bother......not unless it were like the cartoon, with evil tomatoes jumping all over the place then ok fine, i don't mind getting into the details to destroy the horrible red monsters. (But i do happen to like eating tomatoes..essential for the skin ^_^)

Anyways, This is just to vent on section of my irritation to the vegetables i'm reseraching on. But i wil say i found interesting things in the midst of researching.

There's the only punishment i can think of. And tomorrow i shall envoke my stomach, call upon the silvery aid, bring forth the shield of 'china' and i shall then cast my wrath upon the green things. I shall EAT THEM!! muahahahahahahhahaa!!!!

Need sleep...

My Evenstar

The Evenstar Posted by Hello

What is inscribe on the back in elvish words

One ring to show our love,
One ring to bind us,
One ring to seal our love
And forever to entwine us.

"...and she took a white gem
like a star that lay upon
her breast hanging upon a silver chain..."

Four points,
and seven stones,
Clear,solid and pure,
A song it sings from its radiant sparkle...

A song of the stars,
A love like no other,
a giving of thyself to another for their love,
a journey of two souls...

I've given my heart away,
to only one mortal man,
It amazes me so,
This love so precious...

I've been given the ability to love,
For He has loved me first,
I praise Him so much for this gift,
To be able to love another...

The center stone is the rock,
It represents all things held together,
God is the center of the relationship,
Thus all will be held in His knowing hand...

This gift is from the heart,
A heart I know that loves,
One that will always sing the song,
My Evenstar...

It is mine to give to whom I will...like my heart
- Arwen to Aragorn

My evenstar Posted by Hello

Red, gold and pink of Colours,

Were the sights before us,

Tis the season to collect

and also have "changes" to accept.

CNY Deco at KL Plaza Posted by Hello

Twas' a day for a turn of events,

A girls day out had been meant,

Instead violation had been its consent,

In the end sadly the girls were the ones who had been bent!

 Posted by Hello

Guy 1 said "Sigh the woes of being a guy... i mean girl.. eh "stephanie" heheheheehe!" Guy 2 replied "I think it's time for a change dear friend, No longer shall I pine for the intellectual, it's time for a lighter side of things.."

and so.....

Now for the biggest change of all......

The Fall of a "Saint" Posted by Hello

Hehehe a note from my beloved regarding the previous post on "Coincidence and Predestined"...

"...in a Christian perspective, it should then be the term coincidence should coincide with predestination.."
Quite right if i must say, and thought of at the time of your sleepiness, not bad not bad. Sorry hon, had to put that in before you give your comment... Carry on.Fascinating isn't it?

I have this thought that everything in life has already been planned by our Father up in heaven. Since He is omniscient, He knows our very thought and action even before it has been engaged. However i sometimes wonder, since everything has already ben planned out for us what happens when we make a mistake in our choices? Possibly God has made "coincidences" as a detour for us to get ourselves out of that disposition.

Say we have point A------------------------->B but along the way we have lost our way. Most likely each decision we make in the end will somehow put us back on track for what God has already predestined for us in our lives. I view it as one long road with a lot of windings and twists. But eventually we finally get to our final destination despite all that.

So because of this new thought, i can now also safely say whatever it is that is even seen as a mishap in life, i can look at it lightly and say it is just a small detour God has made to put me back on the right path. As much as I can embrace all good things, even the sufferrings in life should also be embraced with a positive mind.

Praise be to God, that i can actually learn to think optimistically.

I'm going to make this short first,
After becoming a christian, and knowing that everything in life is actually all predestined by God. I can't help but wonder can i even use the word coincidence anymore in my vocabulary. To understand the meaning of coincidence.

Coincidence 1 - The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.

Since everything has already bee planned out by God, doesn't that mean nothing can actually happen as a coincidence? Doesn't it mean that by coincidence, it was just by chance, just by luck, or just by fate that a particular event or situation has arised. God doesn't make mistakes so meaning nothing could've happened by accident.

looking at this defination might change how i feel towards the term coincidence.

coincidence 2 - A sequence of events that although 'accidental' seems to have been planned or arranged

Can we look at it and think maybe a coincidence is actually God's way of fixing up a bad choice we have made.Hmmm... new thought now. Maybe i shouldn't be to cynical when i look or hear the word coincidence, since in my pre-mindset i think of it as something that usually involves the term luck...

So.... Coincidence or Predestined?

I've just begun reading C.S.Lewis's "The great divorce". The book brings about questions on heaven and hell (earth). Why is it we have been separated from our God?

I have just read the preface of it and already that gave insight to me. In life there are always choices, may they be good or bad. We humans have this habit of being selfish, therefore it brings about the misconceptions that with every two choices we make, we always have the tendency to want to have both options. We can't and will not be satisfied with just one option.

1.Misconception one - good + evil = good?
Take in the case of good(heaven) vs evil(hell). Between these two there is only option to make = the "either-or" method. However what some people have come to think is that we can always somehow merge the two together and with some hope, faith and prayer the good will overturn the evil and hence the merger of the two is considered to be good. Meaning people have the idea that good will always over power evil. So it defeats the purpose of making a decision. It is no longer A or B instead it has now become C. A new option. Maybe in some perspectives and situations this method is can be possible. But if we look at the values we hold on too, there is no C. We've only got one choice to make which will not be able to please both sides.

2.Misconception two - evil 'develop' into good?
Related much with misconception one. The belief that evil can develop into good. Does one think it possible for Hitler's intentions of killing the jews to have been good? His murderous ways are obviously evil and no matter how one would like to see, it cannot develop into something which is beneficial. Your view? Can evil be developed into good? Do you think the devil will ever one day develop back into good?....Whoa... too much..

Given this image. Choices are like the branches of a tree. Each decision made will then fork out into another two choices. If you notice none of the branches join together after growing out from another branch. Unlike how a river which has a forking along the way and the finally meet up together with the sea.

Branches Posted by Hello

However evil can be undone. Maybe there can be the metaphor of breaking the branch that was already evil to begin with. Or maybe one can look it and say the evil can be undone by choosing the right branch and then continue choosing the right branch later on.But we all know that the evil that had set foot in the garden of eden then, has already been undone namely our damaged relationship with God. It has been undone by the precious blood of Jesus to allow any reconciliation with the Father in heaven.

to close of..
"If we insist on keeping Hell (or even earth) we shall not see Heaven: If we accept Heaven we shall not be able to reatin even the smallest and most intimate souveneirs of Hell." - C.S.Lewis

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