I should have stated this at the beginning of my blogging days.

Before i begin my good people, i just want to state that the text you read here is for you. Whether you wish to read it and how you interpret it is entirely up to you. Whatever that is here, is not about my thoughts and my life events, but my observation on a few things that comes along my way. What is put here is what i think seems to be either of amusement, funny, or worthy to be blogged.

Now having made a title such as the above, people would think that i have renounced my gender.

I have often defended the behaviours of women, as naturally i am one. But now it is time i come to face facts and see that our behaviour is not at all appealing at times, if one where to think about it. I have noticed that there are a few things in men that actually do make them more the dominant of the two genders. Which is how God intended it to be. But due to post-modernism, there has to be the battle of the sexes as to which gender is better.

Females have always told their male counterparts, that they can never be understood because females are just too complexed, yet simple at the same time. How contradicting and paradoxing is that? Females are just complex and that's that. Not both. Men are really like how they say are the ones to be simple and that is true. Tkae a look, when men say one thing, the natural instinct for a women is to find the 'hidden meaning' in their sentence. When truthfully, there is no hidden meaning. What the male says is one passive sentence, one way and there's nothing to read between the lines. However for a woman, they have hidden meanings in their lines. And they expect the males to figure it out when they are truthfully blur. Has anyone noticed that when males joke, they talk in secret codes? Yeah wel goes the same for the women and how they talk. The men aren't women so don't you think it is time that they should stop trying to make the men talk like them?

Following that, comes the good ol' habit of females to assume and to think negatively. Why bother assuming when it only gives personal conflict as well as conflict with the others around you? Men do not assume, they are just plain well either blur or that are sure of themselves. That's a good point actually. It is due to this, i can make the statement, therefore thats why females are actually insecure. And require a good amount of security from time to time. Females when they assume they start to think of the bad stuff that could happen. Doesn't that just bring about a headache? Why do you think they tend to end up b****ing about one another? Doesn't matter whether it is foul language or not. Rather immature and sad really.

Women, say they are the more matured gender. How much of that is true. I have actualy begun questioning that thought for a while now. Sadly it can't be said that women are because women have a big factor that plays with them constantly and it is called EMOTIONS! They allow emotions to play with their being and thus it can cause them to do the uncalled for, unrational, and the wrong things. I'm not saying men don't have it, but it is more prominent in females.

Rather women, should remove the unrational parts of themselves, to a more matured state of mind, that is why God gave us a brain to begin with. Perhaps then, the battle of the sexes can finally stop and there would not be anymore miunderstandings and conflict.

Hmm.. should women complain about not being the main one on top? Did not God give the bigger responsibilities to the man. Women are meant to be the helpers. So why not be that helper and not the problem maker?


hey lin, hehe. you do sound like you want to denounce your gender.

Anyway, women are said to be more mature because we take the time to think and analyze; guys don't - they don't find it necessary, unless it's a chart, assignment or something that will affect them in a big way. However, the things we analyze are not considered important in the male-dominated world.

Maybe our past contributes heavily to why we are concerned about "trivial" matters. Women used to stay at home and take care of children. When they have their free time they go out and gossip with friends. We talk about who did what, who went where, and who said what. So, we analyze the hidden truths behind all these things. What's important to us is these matters. We don't have other more important agendas.

Men got the oppurtunity to go out to work - business, economics, politics - they analyze these things. naturally they become more practical and square.

Not all women are problem makers. We all know that there will ALWAYS be a glass ceiling, but it shouldn't stop us from asking for sufficient. If you were in the lower tier of a third world country and you had to support yourself and your 3 children alone, wouldn't you want equal pay? Shouldn't we fight for justice?

Furthermore, women always want to help. It's just that men do not like to ask for help. So they see women who want to help, a problem or in the way of their first problem.

Question: how many men actually do stop the car to ask for directions?

To deny a women the right to question and analyze the way we do is asking us not to be women. God made us sensitive for a reason. He made us the way we are for a reason. We are insecure creatures. that's why our husbands are supposed to love us. Or maybe it just has to do with the fact that if our fathers do not give us the love that we need, we grow up to be insecure people. it is a fact actually. Women who do not receive love from their fathers tend to be insecure and they look for a male support/love eslewhere.

I don't think women mind being helpers, if we do mind, we wouldn't be cleaning houses (considering we don't have a servant) or cooking for our husbands. We just want to be appreciated for it because these MCP's think that it's part of a women's role, regardless to whether she's handling a full time job in an office.

Women handle problems differently from men. Sure, we could learn a few things from them but they could learn one or two things from us too! yeah sometimes we go bonkers and get become irrational but how can we be rational when whatever we say in defense to ourselves is considered irrational because we start to become defensive. The thing is guys need statistics, not generalizations. Not everything has statistics.

Women tend to follow our heart/instinct. But is it really? Or is it because men keep repeating that until we actually believe it? If we always follow our head, we'd never hear our baby son/daughter cry in the next room. They say women were moulded after God's own heart. God heart is sensitive too.

Maybe we should be more rational when handling a problem. I think that it will happen one day in the future. When we have better education oppurtunities and when we finally break the mould of our past.

Anyways, not to get into a fight with you or anything.. just we always have these sort of conversations.

12:33 PM  

I read your entry and I was like, "Yeah, woman!" I got into trouble with women before. Women can be monstrous, I'm telling you; especially when they are jealous! I've seen women doing all sorts of crazy things to warn other women from even talking to her man. I've seen women making big scenes to humiliate her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend! I've seen women belittling each other's intelligence to "show I am better". I've seen women back-biting each other over some really unimportant matter! I mean, come on, women!
Get a grip!
Why are they so good in seeing a sawdust in others'eyes but can't see this gigantic wooden plank in their own?
Women, hmph!

6:02 PM  

Like the msg i left with tehtarik, i quote Elisabeth Elliot
"because i am a woman doesn't make me a different christian but because i am a christian, it does make me a different women"

4:18 PM  

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