Hehehe a note from my beloved regarding the previous post on "Coincidence and Predestined"...

"...in a Christian perspective, it should then be the term coincidence should coincide with predestination.."
Quite right if i must say, and thought of at the time of your sleepiness, not bad not bad. Sorry hon, had to put that in before you give your comment... Carry on.Fascinating isn't it?

I have this thought that everything in life has already been planned by our Father up in heaven. Since He is omniscient, He knows our very thought and action even before it has been engaged. However i sometimes wonder, since everything has already ben planned out for us what happens when we make a mistake in our choices? Possibly God has made "coincidences" as a detour for us to get ourselves out of that disposition.

Say we have point A------------------------->B but along the way we have lost our way. Most likely each decision we make in the end will somehow put us back on track for what God has already predestined for us in our lives. I view it as one long road with a lot of windings and twists. But eventually we finally get to our final destination despite all that.

So because of this new thought, i can now also safely say whatever it is that is even seen as a mishap in life, i can look at it lightly and say it is just a small detour God has made to put me back on the right path. As much as I can embrace all good things, even the sufferrings in life should also be embraced with a positive mind.

Praise be to God, that i can actually learn to think optimistically.


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