Yoda talk, is still lingering very much in the air I breath in. Hehehe that little green fella is just to cute.

In anycase, in Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker failed and went to the dark side. Not merely because of emotions but also because he failed in hi discipline as a jedi. Personally, i find Star Wars wonderful simply not just cause of the effects but also because of the ethical values it portrays.

Emotions are healthy sure, but they can also be detrimental as shown. He didn't know how to control. But then again if he was really disciplined as he should've been as a jedi he wouldn't have even tried flirting with Padme/Amidala anyway. It was clearly stated that Jedi due to what they train in and how they fight they cannot afford to be be comfortable in the realm of emotions. It is a hard an painful scarficie to be a jedi.

The point is when you have something set out. How long will it be until you lose the conviction to go through with it. Is it always a lip service thing, when we make up our mind to do something? Do we end up forgetting the main reason of why we even started to start of that particular goal?
Yess... i'm running out of topics and thoughts to write...


Star Wars is a good tale of "head knowledge vs practice of knowledge", and hey you're right. He didn't have what it takes to let his learnings come through.

But what intrigues me as well is the fact that, I almost understand that if put in such situation, I would have done the same. Fanatical, but yeah, oh well.

Maybe I need some chick to tell me that "you're breaking my heart..."
sniff. sniff.

Personally I found the legend of Darth Plagius told by the Emperor more... attractive than Yoda's "you must let GO!!!"

BUt that's that whole point of the show, right, to be seduced by the Dark Side of the Force.

NOw u must be starting to get the idea why my nick has been "Lord DARTH" for ages now... hahaha.

1:08 PM  

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