Bangkok in Sight

My good people I'll be heading to bangkok for a study trip, and as much as some would like to actually think that Monashians happen to be brats and we are never gonna get any work done, but just lepak when we get to our destination..... Stop being such a discriminator :P much as i can say it is the same for any student in any institution

But just pray that all of us will have a safe flight and that we will have good journey ahead off us. The purpose of the tip is to expose our Malaysian eyes to that of a different culture (duh), learn a bit of the issues that revolves in the country and perhaps become a little more wiser when we get back...(don't know how that would be, but I can be optimistic).

If you wish to be updated about the trip, we will be blogging out our time spent in Bangkok, in this blog.


wow you're going to bangkok. i love bangkok. great food (tomyam, tomyam, tomyam...fresh pineapple, slurp!), great shopping. a friend and i accidentally stumbled upon a transvestite cultural performance in one of the alleys deep in the market in pratunam. exciting things do happen. have fun and take care :)

1:34 AM  

So, my was Bangkok? :>

4:13 PM  

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