One of the best pep talk

You know there are times when, people put you down and where you put them down. But there are the times when even you will put yourself down. And sometimes that can be hardest pressure you give to yourself. That you just shoot yourself down so bad till it is even lower than the crap that you see at the side of the road. I've listened to many pep talks and what not, but tonight i heard the best one out of my twenty years. And i'm proud that it was given to my dad. It was nothing fancy, no crowd or whatever, but it was just a simple conversation between the family.

Now i admit that i tend not to listen half the time in one of these talks even though my good ol dad, says it out of love and wishes nothing more than to improve his kids. Half the time i'll even say i defend my own state. I don't agree with everything my parents say, but for the first time, in the midst of listening, they made the most sense and it spoke something for me.

States of depression come at least once in a persons life. It's a human thing and it will come. For those who don't ever have them they are blessed amazingly in my eyes. For they don't go through the stages of crying and moping. But in anycase, this story simply begins with the fact that a person shot themself down to the point of picking themselves up was completely impossible. Two theories, either bad experience caused the shooting of one's confidence, or they have been fed with extremely negative points countlessly over again, that it finally seeped in and just crushed them.

Either way or however else it may have happened. The person took all they have done or worked for to achieve, for granted. It doesn't matter where or what, but the person gave all they could for the goal they were trying to achieve. But after hearing much on what they have means so little, person finally thought they are nothing short of a failure, a useless hopeless bag, with too much self pity for themself. With those thoughts implanted in, they come to the stage of where they can't care anymore, there is no point, they can't do it, it's a complete waste, cause they are just going to be shot down again.

Then along came a talk, a talk that said to not take oneself so short. Even though what they may have done is just a small step of others, they gave it their all at that point in time. The past is past,there is no point moping about the 'glory' days whatever that could mean. They are past, and the world awaits for the persons skills.

So now it is time to step out and face other challenges, to prove that all the skill God has implanted into that person can be made into some use. That it can be use to bless others. I'm just thankful, that God has planted a father who is there for me, and that he bothers enough to bring me out as much as he can out of the slump, in order for me to refocus. God does stuff like this in different ways, but it has never reached my ears or eyes before. I suppose that it comes directly from my blood father, means something. All the more i just want to thank God that he blessed me with this person whom i can call my father.Amen


Gulp...fatherhood, what a dreaded notion. Easy for you gals to say this and that. We boys are already imagining having to bring up teenage gals in our mid-life crisis age!

God! remember that we are but dust. At least the gals are made of bones and flesh.

kacang puteh

7:59 AM  

DOn't be scared of your fatherhood ^_^. embrace it.. it will come evidently...And the girls may say this and that, but we will be carrying an extra human in us when the time comes, then we will havce to bare with the weight gain, the stretch marks, the farting, the ridiculous craving of food and back pain, and then having to sqeeuze back into a size 8 we have our stuff to worry too =P

1:06 AM  

Heya. How have you been, Linora? I do understand the part about getting depressed ever so often. I do get that. & isn't it amazing how encouragement comes at the most unexpected of times & sometimes even through the most unexpected people?

God has interesting ways of getting us to hear what we need to hear, just at the moment when we need to hear it.

1:09 AM  

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