Lost ones

Of late, i have noticed, i may not be losing a person i know physically but it is brought to my attention of the amounts of deaths that suddenly has come around in the recent year or years. Friends whom have lost loved ones and all of them painful.

Just yesterday i read through a friend's email regarding a friend's suicide act. She didn't know the person very well, yet she felt the pain to lose a person known. I've only had one case where i lost a person i knew. I didn't know him well either but i knew him through a friend of mine. He was my friend's boyfriend..and he had died in a car accident. I didn't cry, but the shock was there and even not knowing him, there was a sense of lost, grief and pain.

It saddens me much when I hear of the death of a person, and i honestly do not know what to do at times. The other day just this year, another friend of mine just lost a friend she knew very well. She was just speaking with him a few days before and he was mentioning to her he'll come by and see her to hang with her. Few days after that, i was with her when she got a phone call, that he had passed away in an accident. She couldn't cry at the moment, she was in too much pain. But later on the tears came and she felt so much grief...

Then just recently this year, a friend of mine from uni had lost her father to a gunshot. Even though she had the company of loved ones and friends, i'm disappointed that i wasn't there to comfort her enough.

I have not seen death at any door of my friends and therefore i do not know the ultimate lost and pain that one would feel. My friend had mentioned in her email to fully appreciate those that are around us now. These are the same words of another friend of mine who lost loved ones last year as well.

Those passed on will not be with us pyhsically anymore, but they are always with us in our memories. We should be even more joyous, when we know that they have received the Lord into their hearts, the consolation is that even though we lose them here, we will still see them again in Heaven with the Father. We are again victorious even in death, for it does not bind us anymore.


last year, 2004 - lost 2 seniors in car accidents, Don (UM) and Tiang (UPM) and lost my grandpapa

last weekend, 2005 - my boss just lost her beloved brother

2 days ago, on my way back from penang, witness an express bus overturned in the heavy rain. The papers reported the driver was killed on da spot

We do not need to look far, deaths surround us everyday...those whose lives are not in Christ.


12:32 PM  

Death, where is thy sting? For truly a Believer does not die, but rather falls asleep.

However, when it comes to, oh say, PR tests, one cannot rule out the fact possibility that a believer can "die". Argh!

THanks for lending me ur notes to zap btw.

Oh yea, you wanted my link right? it's: http//:eddiegness.blogspot.com

8:58 PM  

I have the same problem. Not just when people die, but when someone is going through tough times. I always have a problem of what to say, how to say it, when to say it, shall I put my arm around them, shall I leave it to those who are closer to them, etc.

I don't intend to offer you a way on how to deal with this. I don't have one myself. It's just so you know that you're not the only one.

11:05 PM  

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