Drunk in emotions

My dear Father,
Why is it my hands tremble, like I am in the cold winter?
Why is it my mind feels like all judgment has been clouded?
Why is that I feel cold all over?
I am drunk in emotions…

My dear Father,
Why is it that my hands are clenched into balls of fists?
Why it that I cannot see what is in front of me?
Why is it that I feel numb like I’ve been placed in ice?
I am drunk in emotions…

My dear Father,
Why is it I feel a tear trickle down my cheek, like the slice of a knife?
Why is my mind in turmoil and I cannot speak?
Why is it that I feel a black void, which seems filled with strife?
I am drunk in emotions…

My dear Father
Why is it I feel an ache in my chest that will not subside?
Why is it that where my answer was clear, it now seems faded?
Why is it that I feel alone, rejected and denied?
I am drunk in emotions…
You know there comes a time in every women's life when emotions take hold and all that is reasonable just seems thrown out the window. This poem just happens to be one of those times and since I am 'sober' about it for now, choose to analyse why i have said all those words. It is a personal reflection, yes, but i also think it relates to others out there at times.
Emotions were given to us so that we have a special part of humanity. It is more so in women. I don't want to look at it scientifically or as a woman. I don't want to say, I am woman therefore i have a right to let emotions take over me just because I am more proned to them.
The times when all just feel so sick, stressed, sad, a pain, a failure and everything just seems wrong. It is at those times i want to just shout it all out. I want to scream and just lament, to my Best Friend. If i can't do that, who can i turn to. If i turn to others, one i would disturb them and in the ends cause them the pain, and then there are others who will not understand, and then there are others i just cannot turn to. So who in the end, who can i turn to but my Friend. Who will just listen to my pain, confusion and laments? He's there and He will listen.
" Record my lament, list my tears on your scroll are they
not in your record?" Psalms 56:8
"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me,
for in you my soul takes refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings
until the disaster has passed."
- Psalms 57:1

What actually constitutes being masculine and being feminine?

Masculinity (taken from www.dictionaary.com)
The quality or condition of being masculine.

From what we have been brought up to know masculinity is anything but weak and girly. It has to be seen as strong, macho, full of testosterone, hard in character...or and moving further...the deep voice, with the buff bod must be the one wearing the pants, will always have it his way, stubborn, and somehow right in the end during some odd situations.


What feminity? We have been made to understand, as the feminine, refined, loveable, delicate, tender, soft-spoken, sweet, gentle, caring and understanding....or... the thing in the skirt, which is always whinning away bout something being messy or dirty, and always have to be right....I'm strecthing it. But this is how masculinity and feminity has been viewed in society.

Back in maybe the late 1800s and early 1900s, when a women doesn't have her rights, she will fight for it and will then be considered macho or rough. For a guy it is perfectly normal and even more so that he should do it. These days, females are allowed to voice out their opinion and what matters to them. However, males have always been and always will be scrutinized for being lack of a man if they ever let anyone else put them down, even more so if it happens to be a woman.

Take for example, a girlfriend and boyfriend. The boy is being bugged or bullied by friends and girl stands up for him. Or say if the boy is teased by others and the girl steps in to stop it. For some it does seem heroic that the girl comes in. But for others, that might view the boy as a weakling, the one who is not dominant in the relationship. This in the ends results in further teasing by others. Oh the horror!

Or take a married couple for example. Husband goes out with friends or even office mates. Wife suddenly calls and tells him to bring home something immediately. Husband loyally and obediantly obeys and leaves company he is with to do wife's bidding. If a husband is always dominated by the wife, other men will not take him seriously. I think it is a known fact that male figures when they are overthrowned by the female figure, there seems to be an imbalance if not maybe just a funny feeling that somethins is just off.

Would one say, a male that doesn't show his masculine side, to be more feminine or to be lack of masculine?

I am generalising here when i say women don't mind it either way, whether she is the dominant one in the relationship or not. I think women are naturally able to adapt to the positions they are in. Doesn't really matter too, since all this while women have always been the ones to be dominated, so why even bother wanting or trying to dominate others?

To guys what is your view on this? Take the first example of the boyfriend and girlfriend. Would you mind if say your girlfriend did stand up for you? Or it is ok with some rules set down? Or you would not have it at all, as it will make you look as if you are less of a man?

Basically, question to all.. does it just seem a little bit "weird" if a guy is not in control? I know we are in the 21st century and yada yada, but to me, it just doesn't fit in the natural law if guys are not the one in control of..a situation, a relationship..whatever...Girls it is ok, we stil have our independence. Besides as they say, the head may be the man, but there is always one woman who is the backbone. ^_^

Laments of a soul..

Slip into...darkness
Fall into...darkness
Drown into...darkness
Burn into...darkness

I'm lost, I'm lost, I'm lost
Torn am I, torn am I...
Small am I, Small am I...
Depraved am I..

All to trivial...

Scared am I,
darkness I have been,
darkness I now loathe,
darkness I don't wish to see...

and darkness I have chosen forever not to be,

My world was once dark,
until a Love before time,
came to this forsaken land,
for Love cared....

Upon a wooden cross,
with each stroke of nail into flesh,
broke into the dark,
and as the blood flowed,

so did the light,
so did the sorrow,
so did the guilt, pain and shame
until there was no barrier

Oh my Father in Heaven,
Help me
guard me from the world,
guard me from its burning eyes,
guard my heart and mind,
guard me from those who seek to destroy

In You all things are possible and sacred,
In You all things are clean,
In You all have been redeemed,
In You shall I FOREVER be..
Solus Christus


Why are you away?
Why are you disarray?
Why can't you agree?
Why is it not possible for one to see?
Those one not know...
of what one sows...
In the deeper parts...
of one's hearts...
Why do you choose to turn?
From those who encourages and spurn?
Why do you seem forlorn?
Why does your mind seem torn?
Why are you moving away?

Just wanted to put in a poem, also cause i haven't written one for a long while. In regards to two things which spurred me this week. One was a research proposal by a senior i know on why people move away from the church. Second, it is just a person who has a faith which does not seem believable...and just brought disappointment.

Just the other day, i was watching American Idol and i tihnk Nadia was singing. She had chosen a sweet song but comments were given that it didn't real suit much for this competition that is all about how you perform and how good your vioce is. In any case, there was a part she had given her reasons for chosing the song which was because it represented part of her and how she wanted people to see her through that song or soemthing like that.

In anycase, because she said that X has made this conclusion as your ideals are never somethign to be expressed out and also they can never work. Here in this sense, Nadia i suppose gave the impression to my parent that she is an idealist and hope people will see it her way. Sadly the argument here is that this does not agree well with X. He believes that people's ideals should never be mixed with the 'real world. In his sense i would assume it to be the world outside home and into working life. Cause he feels that ideals such as Christianity can never work in an environment outside a church. Which i totally disagree with. I personally believe, ideals of a person can still work but they have to be worked according to the situation and to the environment they are in.

Actually, X's view is that he finds anything to do with God over the extreme and can be too gung ho. I don't see anything wrong withh having a passion for something one loves. Even better that the passion is for God. I can actually argue with X saying then him seeing everything with a money business attitude is also considered over the line. Not everything in life has to deal with money, and gaining respect from people. In fact what does it matter at all if you have all that and not be happy and not have a purpose in the end...

Think about it? Can all ideals be thrown out the window in the supposed 'real' world. Or should ideals or can i be more specific Christian ideals still live in our daily lives and not just inside a church or a religious surrounding? The whole point of learning what is in a Bible is to go out and live it. It may very well not be easy, and whoever said life is suppose to be easy. If life is easy and comfortable, one will never learn, one will never be challenged to be spurred with the difficulties in life.

To my Christian friends, let us encourage one another all the more everyday in our walk in not only our lives but also the walk with Jesus. We need it ever so often, when times seem weak and frail. With that i leave for this day's blogging.

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